Sadder yet is the latest affrount to good taste in the plethoura of little yellow crossed ribbons signifying support for our troops abroad, especially large ones proclaiming the relative of a bonified soldier, reminding me of the self congradulatory little stickers parents would paste to the back end of their SUV’s whenever their kid made the honor roll in school. I find little honor in death, especially if the life was wasted for nothing more than national pride. Ironic how the crossed ribbon was first a bold red badge of protest against AIDS, then a somewhat muted pink proclomation boo-hooing breast cancer. Now its a gereatric afterthought of a bad Toni Orlando pop tune. I find an underlying theme throughtout. Crossed ribbons are badges of failure. Failure to deal with the causes of a problem - instead mearly trying to manage the symptoms under the blasphamous pretext of a future cure. AIDS was an anathama due to its sexual connotations. As far as breast cancer is concerned, research reveals America is saturated in synthetic Estrogens, but this currently is as much a trade secret as the tobacco industry’s knowledge that El Producto was an addictive carcinogen long away and far ago. Iraq is nothing more than the red haired step child of America’s latest war of imperialism, nevermind the “what me worry?” propaganda.
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