Thursday, June 02, 2005

Conversations with Hawks and Doves

Hawks have become synonymous with conservatives, Doves with liberals. If they could speak, I think these birds would turn the tables:

We meet a lone hawk somewhere on a windswept mountain crag, like the ones those SUV’s in the commercials drive up and over.
Interviewer: So, you’re a hawk.

Hawk: fer sure, dude!

Interviewer: You don’t seem particularly hawkish..

Hawk: hey , we hawks got a bad rap. Like, I’m an environmentalist. Down with DDT! And, I’m totally into gun control. I’ve lost a lot of my friends to firearms. Like, I support the right to arm bears, dude!

Interviewer: but you eat meat.

Hawk: its totally organic, man!

Meet Archie and Edith Pigeon, a pair of doves on a big city campus in the middle of a flock in the middle of a student protest:

Interviewer: So, you’re a dove.

Archie: You gotta problem with that, pal?

Interviewer: Not at all. I just wanted your opinion on a couple of things.

Archie: Jeezus – another liberal harassing me. Just like that damn hawk. Youse guys whine about bein’ victims alla time but you know what your REAL problem is? You’re LOSERS! That’s why there’s more of us than you. Survival of the fittest, I always say.

Edith: buuut Aaarchie – what if they go extinct?

Archie: Sifle, Edith – STIFLE!

That’s the way it is…

Roger L. Sieloff

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