Friday, December 15, 2006

The Rooster and the Dragon

One evening the rooster had a dream. He was walking through the forest when suddenly he found himself facing a dragon.

“Hopefully you are not hungry”, said the rooster, “but if you are, then I suppose today is a good day to die”.

Roosters are not afraid of anything and tend to be foolish philosophers.

The dragon crooked its head like a great, green, scaly dog and purred,

“I will not eat you. If you want to know the truth, I envy you.”

“How could YOU envy ME?”, the rooster clucked incrediously, although in his heart the Rooster was flattered by the Dragon’s statement.

“You see my friend”, the Dragon said, “you are a real creature and live in the real world. I am only fantasy. You suffer pleasure and pain in your world. I suffer neither in my realm and the worst pain is having no pain at all…”

Saying this, the dragon began to wither and fade like the autum leaves. The resplendent scales became yellow and thin. As the Dragon appeared to sink into the earth the Rooster realized he was looking down at his own feet. It was morning and the sun was just creeping over the horizon.

The rooster sings because he is a dreamer.

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